Chapter 9: UA University part 1

Izuku is now 17 years old and is now in his final year in highschool in his classroom while everyone is just doing their own buisness while Izuku is reading the copy of Jin Sakai's journal from his grandfather also a longbow left at his home. When the teacher arrived Izuku then put Jin's journal back in his bag and now ready to listen to his teacher and many of his classmates look at the teacher to listen about what he will be announcing.

"Alright class listen up what I have right here is some carrer aptitude test now that you are now third years and now you need to think about your futures. But why bother!"

then the teacher grab the aptitude test papers and throw them in the air

"All of you wanted to join the hero track!" He called out everyone with a smile

and everyone began using their quirks except for Bakugo and as for Izuku who is a bit irritated for his own classmates but didn't show it.

"Hey teach don't let me into these losers because they may end up being hired by some busted D listed hero" Bakugo exclaiming with a smirk in his face.

Everyone from Izuku's class started to yell at bakugo for his cocky attitude until.

"Unlike you losers I'm going into UA" then his classmates were shock about this revelation

"The national level University" one student said in schock "No way hes trying to get into there" another student then said with him sweating nervously "I heard that school has a very low acceptance rate only the best could enter" as another one said with eyes widen.

While Izuku just ignore them and just continue on on what he was doing

"Well Bakugo has a chance to enter and his grades were pretty well of for entering UA". The teacher then said to bakugo while reading his results

"I've aced every mock test and exams to be no.1 and UA is perfect for me and where the best heroes went and become no.1 and beat All Might" Bakugo then began to explain his achievements at the same time having that smug face until

"Oh yeah Midoriya you also wanted to to UA as well" after the teacher said

many of Izuku's classmates were silent and afraid about Izuku's reputation. Izuku was known to beat up anyone who challenged him and beat them up ending up breaking their pride and shattering their fragile egos apart as well as his kendo, hand-to-hand combat skills were at par in a top pro hero's skill and heres one thing that make him feared more is that the teachers were scared of his aura which make every student fear him more and more. Until Bakugo tried to blow up his desk then Izuku grab his wrist and pinned him to the ground and Izuku then Bakugo began tying to blow up Izuku then He knocked Bakugo out by pinching a specific area in the neck near the shoulders. Everyone wasn't surprised about this types of events ever since they already know the outcome of these types of fights with Izuku the teacher till this day is still afraid of Izuku if he tries anything stupid enough for him there are 2 options either Izuku will give him a glare or get his ass beaten in his mind

"Alright no fighting and Midoriya put Bakugo in the infirmary once again" the teacher then asked Izuku

and Izuku comply with the request carrying Bakugo by his shoulder then goes out of the classroom. After classes and it is dismissal at school Izuku then look at his phone for any interesting news about what's going on or any news about other heroes as well as some rookie heroes getting their debut today then Izuku then pack up his bags and go home.

Outside of the campus building as Izuku is about to leave he then heard a loud scream

"DEEEKKKKUUUUUU!!!!!!" Then bakugo began charging right at Izuku

and try to beat him up and put him back at his place to be the useless loser he is but met a punch right at his face that it broke his nose and started to bleed and Izuku then slams Bakugo to the ground creating cracks right into Bakugo's head which made Bakugo knocked out unconscious from the impact. As for Bakugo's lackeys they were scared for what they have witnessed as they began to drag bakugo away from Izuku and leaft school and find a clinic to treat Bakugo as for Izuku who is already annoyed from the morning's incident and he though

'Bakugo is still the same as a cocky bastard who thinks hes no.1 in this world he needs to grow up already...Geez when will he change that attitude of his'.

While Izuku was walking to the shortcut he always take to reach to his appartment Izuku then senses danger in which he began to run away from the bridge as soon as possible until a sewer lid began to secret out sludge from the sewers and sludge began to creep out from the sewers and formed the sludge villain

"Hey kid! I'm gonna borrow your body to hide from someone so nothing personal!" the villain said in demand

to borrow Izuku's body but Izuku began to dodge the sludge and grabbed a kunai from his pockets and trow it right at the villain's eye. As the kunai hits the villain's eye he screamed in pain from the kunai he threw in which made the villain pissed

"ALRIGHT KID THATS IT YOUR DEAD!!!!!" The sludge villain screams at him and try to catch him

before he could react the sewer lid began to popped out of the sewer passage way in which made the Sludge villain perked up and is scared. Then Izuku used this moment to escape from the villain and hearing a voice saying

"Don't worry citizen you are now safe you know why...BECAUSE I AM HERE!!!" All Might might bellowing his catch phrase with his signature smile

in that moment the villain tried to escape and grab Izuku as a hostage but the

"SMMAAAAASSSSSHHHHH!!!!!!!" After screaming his move

his punch created a shockwave that made the sludge villain explode and splattered all over the bridge in which Izuku was shock about meeting All Might in person seeing him somewhat made him dissapointed due to the incident when he was betrayed by a fake hero. In which Izuku look at him like a normal person seeing normal things in life

"Though you were caught by that villian right there young man" he said to Izuku then he responded

"Yeah he almost did try to make me his meat suit but I did slow him down a bit by throwing a kunai right at his eye" All Might then was shock

of his fast reflex skill and his decision to throw something right at his eye

"Well then young man do you have anything to contain this villain?". He then asked the green hair boy

which he responded by grabbing something in his bag of which is a almost empty water bottle and Izuku drank the last drops inside the bottle and gave it to All Might of which he help All Might to collects what's left of the of the sludge villain and stuffed him inside the bottle and All Might then closed the bottle to prevent the villain from escaping and put it in his pocket. Izuku then look at All Might and wave All Might with a farewell in which all might then jump in the air and left Izuku and he returned back to his home and doing his routine once more and became the vigilante once more as the ghost. After a while Izuku in infronto of UA University then look at the campus gate of UA university where all of the best heroes were trained and educated

"This is it my time to shine".

-To Be Continue-