Green Savage Octopus

[AN: Please,  I'll like to point some things out.

One, you must be patient and follow the story as it progress. Don't expect the story to be an open book that you will understand the plot with a single glance.

Two, some chapters are connected. For you to understand, you must link the chapters to under the plot.

I'll not be choking everything in a single chapter for you to understand. And don't expect me to vividly write everything out when everything is already spell out for you.

Lotus world is so complicated that many scenarios will be happening at the same time. For example, The Bloodmoon Envoy, the Blood Whisperer, the Monster Beast Race, the Ancient Seal Demon that are just appearing in the plot and many more to appear in the future. 

These are some question our MC would be trying to unravel:

What are the Bloodmoon Envoys.