Danger from the Northern Barrend land -Desert Sand Men

Northern Barren Land. 

Ah! Ah!

The miserable screams of people echoed in the small village, Qilin Crossing. Blood splattered everywhere, with dead bodies littering the street.

On the faces of the corpses were fear and unwillingness. They were cut into pieces, leaving no corpse intact.

Even though there were corpses everywhere, a group of humans was still fighting fiercely against the deadly sudden foe: the Desert Sand Men.

Amidst the chaos of the attack on Qilin Crossing village, the Desert Sand Men emerged from the swirling sandstorm like nightmarish specters. 

These enigmatic figures were the stuff of local legends and whispered tales around campfires, but now, they manifested in the flesh with ominous purpose.

Cloaked in tattered robes the color of sun-bleached bones, the Desert Sand Men were masters of deception, blending seamlessly with the arid landscape.