Su Yen face off the Fish-like men.

Looking at the strange humans with gills, Su Yen widened his mouth for a couple of moments, unable to close.

"How many strange things am I going to see today?" He cried in his mind.

Humans, or at least beings that bore a striking resemblance to them, stood before him. However, these were not ordinary humans.

Their skin had an otherworldly pallor, almost as if it had adapted to the subterranean environment.

But the most shocking aspect of their appearance was the presence of gills on their necks, delicate slits pulsating rhythmically as they inhaled and exhaled the oxygen-rich water that surrounded them.

Just as Su Yen was examining the strange humans, the humans with gills were also looking at him strangely. 

Their wide blue and black eyes fixed on Su Yen's face without blinking until one of them raised his long fork and pointed it at him.