Ancient Bronze Door

"How can you stand there?" Listening to the sweet female voice, Su Yen creased his brow and turned in the direction of the female voice.

However, when he turned, he found nothing but an empty cave, with the continuous cries of the humans being transformed.

"You're going to play hide and seek. I've got your time, but first, I need to do something," Su Yen said to the empty cave and swung his sword.

Instantly, the large cave was covered in starlight, and the space was filled with extreme sharpness.

"Are you daring?" The previous sweet female voice was now filled with hostility and coldness that sent shivers down the spine of anyone hearing her voice.

But for Su Yen, he didn't have any change in his expression as he completed his attack.


The powerful sword strike hit the ancient formation, and the whole cave shook vehemently.