The Illusory Figure - Unveiling some hidden secret


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When the system notification rang in Su Yen's head, a series of ancient words streamed into his brain slowly, and he opened his mouth subconsciously. 

He began to speak a strange language.

"Meena Maana… Thik… Vaish Tuna…Thik.. Vim Lama Mena…"

As he uttered this ancient language, the bronze sturdy door began to shake slowly, and all the ancient characters on the door began to move as if they were alive.

After a couple of seconds, the ancient bronze door finally opened slightly, and a rush of ancient breeze escaped from the door. 

The air was filled with pure spiritual essence that almost choked him to death.

'Who would have believed that such pure spiritual essence would be locked inside the ancient door?' Su Yen thought out loud and took a deep breath to regain his composure as he stepped into the door.