Coming out of the Underground Water World

In another part of the underground water world, Huang Yin and the Four Eye Python were frozen like statues.

Both the human and the beast were only a couple of meters from each other. The Four Eye Python's blazing eyes fixed intently on Huang as it couldn't wait to devour her.

As for Huang Yin, she was eerily calm, looking at the python straight in the eyes. However, deep in her heart, she was panicking.

'I don't know how long I can hold on any longer before I freeze to death.'

'Where is he... Is he safe? How about my brother?'

These various thoughts made her want to cry, but she held back the tears. Two of the most important people in her life had their lives in danger, and she couldn't do anything about it.

She glared at the python as if her eyes should cut it into pieces.

Just as both the human and the creature were in a deadlock, the frozen cave began to shake, and cracks appeared in the frozen water.