Su Yen entrance.

The battle in front of the mysterious ancient city could be called an epic struggle.

The giant Desert Sand Men were well-coordinated compared to those at the outermost part of the desert.

Their sand spears howled with lethality that could kill any ordinary Body Building realm warriors.

Besides, their rate of recovery was extremely fast. To defeat a single giant Desert Sand Man, the elite soldiers had to attack consistently, targeting a single point.

Otherwise, the attack would be futile.

They were living battle golems.

Despite all this, the elite soldiers were a force to be reckoned with.

Each of their attacks was so devastating and deadly that it made it difficult for the giant Desert Sand Men to recover in time.

Moreover, they were men with vast battle experience. They moved skillfully, avoiding the encampment of the sand men.

With the armor doing most of the work, they didn't tire easily, making them formidable foes.