Su Yen show his full strength and the ancient seal demon on the brink of despair

Walking at the center of the street in the mysterious ancient city, Su Yen moved with a deliberate pace, his eyes taking in the enigmatic architecture that surrounded him.

The cobblestone streets beneath his feet were worn by centuries of existence, and the towering structures on either side whispered secrets of a bygone era.

The city was as quiet as a graveyard.

The air was thick with a sense of history and mystique as he continued his journey, each step echoing with the weight of his purpose.

Web-like cracks appeared on the once-glorious buildings, telling the age of time.

With each step, he could sense the magnificence of this city in its golden age.

Unbeknownst to him, a deep sigh escaped his lips. Just as he took the right turn and entered the heart of the city.

The air changed, and he felt another presence on the street.

He released his spirit sense, scanning everything in a hundred-meter radius.