Why won't they leave us alone?

Waking from a night of passionate exercise, Su Yen stretched his body, feeling a pleasant warmth coursing through him. The early morning sun streamed gently through the slightly opened window, casting a soft glow in the room.

He turned his head to gaze at the pure and beautiful woman lying beside him, her presence a source of satisfaction that brought a playful chuckle to his lips.

"I was like a lost beast yesterday," he mused, shaking his head with a grin, his thoughts lingering on the intensity of their shared moments.

With a desire to freshen up, he headed to the shower, the warm water cascading over his body, washing away the remnants of the night's passions. 

As he lathered up, his mind drifted to the system notification he had received the previous day. It had piqued his curiosity, and now seemed like the perfect time to check it out.

With a mental command, he accessed the notification:


[Congratulations on becoming a man.]