The return of the Crimson Jade Pavilion - Wang Baozhai

The Southern Sea stretched out endlessly, its deep blue expanse meeting the azure sky on the distant horizon. 

Underneath the midday sun, three massive ships emerged, their imposing presence disrupting the serenity of the open waters. 

Each vessel bore the markings of war, bristling with soldiers, weaponry, and the foreboding aura of impending conflict.

At the forefront of this formidable fleet was the central ship, its grandeur surpassing that of the flanking vessels. 

As the ships cut through the sea with powerful grace, their billowing sails swelled in the ocean breeze, propelling them forward. 

The imposing figurehead of the central ship was an intricately carved dragon, its gleaming eyes casting an eerie, lifelike glare over the waters.

On the bow of this majestic vessel stood a figure of undeniable authority and regal bearing. She was a striking young woman.