The battle on the sea. Part 1

Su Yen was so excited that he left the dumfounded Elder Su Feng in the hall and rushed toward the back of the sect.

For the next couple of hours, he was busy inside the ancestral land, working on the image stone.

Meanwhile, out on the Southern sea, the ten formidable battleships sliced through the waves, their formidable presence casting a shadow of foreboding.

A legion of soldiers filled these ships, their collective aura exuding a fearsome strength that sent shivers through the hearts of the sea races dwelling beneath the waves.

Panic gripped them as they hurriedly relayed the ominous news to their leaders.

In the depths of the sea, the Mountain Sea Turtle received the message with an air of expectation.

It promptly issued orders to its subordinates, commanding them to stay submerged and out of sight for the time being.