The Horrow of Su Yen Might


The wretched, agonizing cry of the Roaring Claw Bear echoed through the Dreadshade Forest, its voice trembling with indescribable pain as the dreadful Deathwrath strike bore down upon it. 

The bear felt as though it was ensnared within a realm of death, a morbid aura closing in, from which there was no escape. It attempted to flee this living nightmare, but found it impossible.

It then experienced a searing pain coursing throughout its massive form. Its anguished screams came from the depths of its soul, a lament it had not expressed in thousands of years. 

A deep, fatal wound had cleaved through its defenses as if they were nothing but butter. Blood gushed forth like a breached dam, bone and innards spilling out relentlessly. 

In excruciating pain, the Roaring Claw Bear staggered backward, its face contorted in a mask of pure dread.