Southern sea battle took a drastic turn. The old man steps in

Wang Baozhai came to an abrupt halt, her footsteps faltering as she heard Liu Fu's urgent scream. 

Her gaze pivoted towards the brutal and deadly carnage unfolding in the distance, and her entire frame trembled. 

She had recognized the ruthlessness of the Barren Land soldiers.

Liu Fu may have only spoken of destroying the Celestial Heavenly Sect, but their fate had already been sealed, leading to their gruesome demise.

If she were alone, fear would have driven her to flee for her life.

However, with the old man and his men at her side, her confidence in rescuing Liu Fu and the others remained unwavering. 

Yet, she grappled with a moral contemplation.

What if more powerful adversaries lurked in the city?

But the temptation of her arch-rival willingly relinquishing his claim to the heir's position was too alluring. 

The potential consequences for her and her clan were significant.