Regret - Never threaten the Celestial Heavenly Sect

 The air crackled with anticipation, and the sea seemed to hold its breath in reverence. Then, with a thunderous explosion that echoed through the very marrow of the earth, he unleashed his devastating punch.


The sound erupted like a cataclysmic clap of thunder, a primal shockwave of raw power.

 Dust and debris spiraled into the heavens, as if the earth itself had cried out in agony. The waves of the sea recoiled in fright, crashing against the shore in a futile attempt to escape the fury of that punch.

Onlookers, including the old man, held their collective breath, eyes wide and hearts racing, waiting to witness the aftermath. What they saw was nothing short of miraculous.

As the dust settled and the tumultuous waves subsided, the elite soldiers remained, like an unyielding wall against the tempest.