The Rage of the Baiyun City: Brewing of War.

Inside the solemn Wang Clan hall, an atmosphere heavy with pain and sorrow hung like an oppressive shroud. 

Uncertainty and fear gripped the hearts of those who gathered. In the center of it all, the Wang patriarch stood, his face etched with profound grief, his eyes burning with a seething rage that seemed to consume him from within.

"Who dares kill my daughter?" His voice, deep and resonant, cut through the stillness, echoing throughout the hall. Each word was laced with an agony that reverberated in the very bones of those present.

All the Wang elders, their heads bowed, dared not meet the furious gaze of their clan patriarch. They, too, were burdened by a sense of deep loss and frustration. 

The disappearance of the wayward young master and now the murder of their eldest daughter were grievous blows that struck at the very core of their clan.