Going to the Endless Mountain Range

A tense atmosphere had engulfed Willow City as the residents looked on, utterly astonished by the sheer brutality displayed by Su Yen. 

They stood rooted to the spot, holding their breath with eyes cast skyward, trying to make sense of the unfolding spectacle. 

As the question of why Su Yen had whistled lingered in their minds, a sharp, ear-piercing screech rent the air.

A colossal creature plummeted from the heavens, its immense wingspan spanning over five meters, casting an imposing shadow on the city below. 

Its sharp, intimidating blue eyes exuded an aura of dread that sent shivers down the spines of all who beheld it. 

This majestic creature was none other than Su Yen's formidable mount: the Blue Wing Eagle.

In a fluid motion, Su Yen leaped onto the back of the Blue Wing Eagle, and the creature soared into the sky, vanishing from sight in the blink of an eye.