Su Yen Battle with the Anceint Being Clone - Part 1

Looking at the thousands of coffins surrounding the ancient being, Su Yen was slightly shocked.

At the foot of the ancient being, intricate and strange runes adorned the ground. Just gazing at these ancient symbols sent a slight shiver down his spine.

On the lid of each of the coffins, strange runes pulsed with eerie blood-red light.

"So, these runes serve as an engine for the Blood Whisperer to keep coming back to life?" he muttered in a low voice.

The massive chamber was filled with bloody coffins, and the ancient being, standing like a god, would have made an ordinary person panic or flee in fear. But Su Yen didn't.

He had come here for this, and he needed to complete his mission. Without further ado, he gathered his strength and attacked with a powerful punch.

"You dare!" A deep, ancient voice resonated from the statue.