Plan to strengthened the Barren Land.

Inside the Spirit Train, all the prominent clan masters looked at Su Yen attentively. They weren't foolish enough to believe that Su Yen had allowed them to sit together for sightseeing purposes.

Though they were excited by the novelty of the Spirit Train, they needed to face the reality, and it was important. Su Yen observed the seriousness on their faces and was pleased. "Do you know how many times we've circled the city?" he asked.

Huang Yin gazed outside the window, but everything passed by too quickly for her to get a glimpse of their surroundings. As for the others, they didn't bother looking since they couldn't see a thing.

"We've circled the city three times, and we're now in the south," Su Yen stated slowly.

"What!" Their jaws dropped to the ground.