Spirit Cannon

It had been three days since Su Yen opened the Spirit Train to the public. Like a new invention, many people had tried to use the Spirit Train as much as possible. 

Similar to a new toy, the more you used it, the less thrilling it became, and it eventually became a routine part of everyday life. That was what happened to the citizens of Cloudweaver and those who came from other towns and cities to check it out.

After three days, the excitement of riding the Spirit Train had dwindled significantly. Only those who hadn't seen it or needed it for daily commutes still used it.

Slowly, the barren land returned to its usual activities. However, the construction of the Spirit Tracks was in full swing within and outside the cities and towns. Although they lacked heavy machinery to aid in tunnel excavation, they were not lacking in force as cultivators. With thousands of people working together, the Spirit Track construction was progressing at a breathtaking speed.