Su Yen Battle a Golden Core Expert

"What do you know about the Ancient clans?"

Standing a couple of feet from the Prefecture Lord, Su Yen looked directly into his eyes. The Prefecture Lord had long stood up on his feet with trembling lips.

Now that he was the only one in the hall with Su Yen, he realized how dreadful it was to stay in front of him. The vast differences between them made him lose all his courage and pride.

Taking a deep breath, he began slowly. "There wasn't much known about the Ancient Clans. According to what I heard, they are clans that existed long before the arrival of the Bloodmoon Envoy, and with the Bloodmoon Envoy's arrival, they somehow survived their onslaught."

"They survived?!"

"Yes. No one knew how they did it. But after that, they disappeared from the public eyes. Years after years when the Bloodmoon Envoy arrived, they never came out, and the Bloodmoon Envoy never seemed to care about them."

"Do you know why?"