Su Yen's might.

"I call myself Sect Master, but my people call..."

His voice trailed off, and the atmosphere shook vehemently. Even without completing his last statement, the void was trembling, as if a powerful existence was about to appear.

The old man's powerful aura dwindled and disappeared into thin air. As for the two people standing beside him, they were suffocated inside-out.

Their expressions turned unsightly, filled with shock and dread.

"What the hell was happening?!"

Their eyes rolled in their sockets. The mighty Wind River Roc couldn't maintain her human form and turned into her beast form.

Her form was massive, a bird with a wingspan of over 5 meters. Its feathers were covered in gray and white, and its eyes, yellow and black.

On a normal day, its appearance would have invoked both fear and adoration from anyone, but now, the case was reversed.

The void around them was restricting them.