The Reapers on the brink of going insane

"What is it?" The man standing a couple of inches behind their leader asked, his expression filled with perplexity. 

It was the first time he had seen such an astounding look on their leader's face.

The middle-aged woman took a deep breath and turned to look at the man. 

The others also directed their gaze toward her, curiosity evident in their expressions. 

They were all eager to understand what had prompted such a shocked reaction to the purple light.

"What lies ahead of us… is a powerful formation," she announced slowly, her words hanging in the air.

"A powerful formation!" The revelation left the three hundred-plus members of the group wide-eyed. 

They exchanged glances, their collective astonishment palpable. 

Turning their attention to the purple shimmering light on the calm sea, they struggled to reconcile the beauty of the sight with the unexpected revelation that it concealed a formidable formation.