The Terror from Huang Yin and Su Yen

Looking at the extremely handsome and beautiful woman, reapers had their jaw dropped to the ground. For a couple of seconds, the reapers were too stunned to utter a word. 

As Su Yen and Huang Yin stood before the stunned reapers, an air of tension enveloped the southern sea. 

His ethereal white robe billowed around him, and his piercing gaze made it clear that he was no ordinary figure.

 The reapers tightened their grips on their weapons, preparing for the imminent clash with the unknown handsome young man. 

His sword-like eyebrows furrowed slightly as he observed the reapers, calculating the best course of action.

Huang Yin, the graceful woman by his side, exuded an air of tranquility that contradicted the chaos brewing around them. 

Her violet robe swayed gently in the calm breeze, and her almond eyes held a captivating allure. 

The reapers couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding as they stared at her mesmerizing features.