One Hundred vs One Thousand

Three days later, in front of the Baidu Prefecture capital, a palpable sense of tension hung heavy in the air.

One hundred soldiers stood in formation, their postures rigid like spears, as silence enveloped the area like a shroud.

Several hundred meters away loomed the towering walls of the Baidu Prefecture capital, manned by a thousand soldiers, their expressions grave and unreadable.

 The city was on lockdown, and an air of uncertainty pervaded the atmosphere.

Within the city, the streets that were once bustling with activity now lay deserted, the usual hum of daily life replaced by an eerie quietude. 

The Prefecture Lord had issued strict orders for the city to remain sealed, heightening the sense of foreboding among its inhabitants.

In the last two days, city lords from surrounding areas had been summoned to the capital, each bringing along their best soldiers. 

The sudden influx of troops added to the tension that gripped the city.