The Governors Plight!

It had been a week since Baidu Prefecture fell under the reign of the Celestial Heavenly.

However, that was not the most astonishing news in the 18th state of the Empire.

After conquering the Baidu Prefecture, in less than a week, four other prefectures surrendered to the reign of the Celestial Heavenly Sect.

Now, every Prefecture Lord knew of the indomitable power rising from the North.

A power like no other. The fame of the one hundred soldiers against one thousand elite soldiers spread like wildfire.

Previously, many did not believe it was possible but during the last prefecture that surrendered.

Many people came to watch the famous battle. And behold, they saw them vanquishing one thousand soldiers in less than 3 minutes.

It was a sight to behold that sent shivers down the spines of many who thought to go against the Celestial Heavenly.

With five prefectures conquered, the 18th state was in turmoil.