Unveiling More Secrets about the Barren Land.

Feeling the cold shiver down its spine, the Mountain Bear Giant looked at the metallic artifacts in front of the puny humans in shock.

Before it could process what was so special about the artifacts, it heard a thunderous sound in its ears.


The Mountain Bear Giant found itself flying, its eyes widened.

'How is this possible?!' That was the only thought in its mind when it crashed into the massive mountains in the distance.

It did not stop immediately, destroying all the mountains on its path for over fifty meters.

Reeling in shock, confusion, and fear, the Mountain Bear Giant felt its heart thumping heavily against its chest.

From its waist below had blasted to smithereens, while part of its chest was nowhere to be found.

For a couple of seconds, it couldn't make up what just happened. Everything happened too fast for it to comprehend.

Finally, it managed to speak. "A-A-Am I still...in..the Lotus World?"