Barren Landers, the bane of Earth Eating Rats

Just as the barren land defeated the two sealed demons, at the border of the 36th state.

The Earth-Eating Rats were destroying everything in their path.

Before the arrival of the Earth-Eating Rats, the Gray Pagoda state had built a garrison at the border.

The Garrison had over one hundred thousand Barren Land soldiers. Moreover, the news about the attack of the Earth-Eating Rats had been relayed to the public together with the fact they could watch the battle.

Each of the city squares in the Gray Pagoda state had Spirit Image Crystals displaying the live event of the scene happening at the border.

Gathered at each city square were thousands of people watching the battle unfold before their eyes.

Everyone knew the terror of the Earth-Eating Rats, but the new power only deployed one hundred thousand of their soldiers.

How could they defend against the Rats?