The Maid

The next morning I woke up to myself tucked in a blanket.

I couldn't remember when I had in fact wrapped myself up with that blanket.

I pushed it aside and then I looked at the other side of the bed.

It was not just vacant, but looked like no one had slept in.


Then I remembered all the details of the previous night and then since it was hours later and I no longer felt those waves of emotions, the emotions I was stuck with, was shame and anger.

Shame that I had done what he had told me to.

That I had begged him to touch me and when I remembered how his fingers had been in between my legs, I tensed and felt myself grow hot.

And then humiliation before anger surfaced.

He had lied to me when he had told me that I was the one he had eyes for.

How could I have been such a fool?

I was smarter than this.

I had learnt the hard way on how to deal with my emotions.