Chapter 05:Saving a Girl

As the plane took off into the sky, Sarah couldn't help but smile. she was both anxious and nervous, she was going to be away from home for a long time and didn't know what awaits her out there.

It took about six hours fly from Hawaii to arrive New York, stepping out of the plane with the fresh scent of her new environment filling her nose she smiled faintly and headed towards the baggage claim area. Her heart racing, she felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

As she waited for her luggage to arrive, Sarah looked around at the bustling airport. People of all ages, races, and walks of life hurried past her, each with their own story to tell. She wondered what her own story would be as she embarked on this new adventure.

Finally, her bags arrived on the conveyor belt and after claiming them, she took a deep breath and headed towards the exit. She flagged down a taxi outside and the friendly driver helped her with her luggage.

As they drove through the city, Sarah marveled at the tall skyscrapers, bustling streets, and the constant honking of horns. It was all so different from what she was used to back home.

But she couldn't help feeling a little lonely. She missed her family, her friends, her familiar surroundings. She wondered if she had made the right choice in coming here.

That feeling soon melted away as she arrived at an old worn out hotel, she would be spending the night there, then leave the next day to find herself an apartment.

As she looked out the window of her apartment, watching the city come to life, Sarah smiled. She was exactly where she needed to be. She was grateful for this opportunity to grow and learn.

As night drew closer, she strolled out of the hotel, she had nothing important to do yet, since she just arrived the city, so she could think of was take a short stroll. A few miles away from the hotel, she saw some group of boys clustering around a young lady, she had fear in her eyes as if being harassed, Sarah immediately felt a surge of protectiveness well up within her. Without thinking twice, she quickened her pace towards the commotion.

As Sarah approached, she noticed that the boys seemed to be taunting the young lady, their voices filled with disrespect and intimidation. Anger burned in her chest, and her steps became purposeful and determined. With a strong voice, she called out to the boys, demanding they leave the girl alone.

Startled, the boys turned to face her, their expressions transitioning from arrogance to surprise. Sarah stood tall, her eyes firmly fixed on them, making it clear that she was not backing down. In that moment, the girl seized the opportunity and swiftly moved away from the group.

in all her fiery glory," another boy chimed in.

Sarah's jaw clenched as she assessed the situation. These boys had been a thorn in her side for weeks, constantly belittling her and her friends. But enough was enough. It was time to stand up for herself.

With a sudden burst of confidence, Sarah balled her fists, her voice resonating with determination. "I am not here to be your entertainment. I demand respect, and if you can't give it, be prepared to face the consequences."

The boys shared a glance, their smirks fading slightly. It was clear they hadn't expected this level of defiance from Sarah. But they quickly regained their swagger, trying to regain control of the situation.

"Ooh, feisty! I like it," one of the boys sneered, taking a step closer.

Without hesitation, Sarah swiftly dodged his advance, her training in self-defense kicking in. In a fluid motion, she aimed a precise kick towards the boy's shin, causing him to yelp in pain as he stumbled backwards.

The other boys were momentarily stunned, their laughter silenced. Sarah took this opportunity to reiterate her warning, her voice calm but laced with steel.

"You see, boys, strength doesn't come from muscles alone. It comes from resilience, intelligence, and self-belief. So unless you want to experience more of what I am capable of, I suggest you back off." She warned, the boys looked at themselves and said nothing, but instead turned around to leave, Sarah stopped them and they slowly turned around to look at her but instead of herself, she turned to the girl who was just harassed and said

"Apologize to her immediately" she demanded

The boys exchanged nervous glances, finally realizing that Sarah wasn't someone to be trifled with. They murmured apologies, their arrogance replaced by newfound respect as they slowly backed away, finally retreating from the scene.

Sarah let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, feeling a surge of empowerment radiate through her. She slowly walked towards the girl who stood few inches away from her hugging herself in fear and asked

"Hey! are you okay?" she asked looking at her with concern