Chapter 08:Meal with Alice

Looking at the name displayed on the screen, she sighed, it was Alice, the girl she had saved the previous night.

"Hi Sarah!" Alice voice came straight to her ears

"Hi Alice! What's up?" Sarah said

"I just finished with my shift, so I wanted to find out if you've had something for dinner?" Alice asked

"No not yet, I'm yet to eat something" Sarah replied

"Let me treat you then" Alice volunteered

"No thanks" Sarah declined, she wasn't used to people doing things for her except her close friends and family

"Please!" Alice persuaded, Sarah gave in after hearing her pleading voice. "Alright, you win. Where should we meet?"

Alice suggested a nearby café, and Sarah agreed. They set a time and Sarah quickly freshened up before heading out. As she walked towards the café, her mind was filled with a mixture of curiosity and gratitude towards Alice. She wondered what had prompted Alice to reach out to her after their chance encounter.

Upon entering the café, Sarah scanned the room, searching for Alice's familiar face. She spotted her sitting at a table near the window, waving to get her attention. Sarah made her way over, a smile forming on her face.

"Hey Alice, thanks for reaching out," Sarah said sincerely as she took a seat opposite her.

"No problem at all, Sarah. It's the least I could do after you helped me last night. I really appreciate it," Alice replied with a grateful smile.

Sarah nodded and waved off her gratitude. "It was nothing, really. I'm just glad I was there to help. How are you holding up after everything?"

Alice sighed, her expression turning somber. "It's been tough, to be honest. I couldn't sleep well last night, constantly replaying everything in my mind. But I'm trying to stay positive. That's why I wanted to treat you today, to thank you and also distract myself a bit."

Sarah nodded in understanding, sympathizing with Alice's struggle. "I completely understand, Alice. It's important to take care of ourselves during challenging times. I'm here for you if you ever need someone to talk to, besides those guys aren't people to mess with, so you have to always watch your back for your safety."

Alice smiled gratefully, her eyes shining with appreciation. "I will, thank you, Sarah. It means a lot to know that I have someone like you in my corner. So, what would you like to eat?"

Sarah browsed through the menu, deciding on a salad and a cup of hot tea. Alice placed their orders with the waiter, then turned her attention back to Sarah.

"So, tell me a bit about yourself, Sarah. How did you end up saving me last night?"

Sarah took a deep breath, her eyes briefly glancing away as she collected her thoughts. "Well, I've always been someone who believes in doing what's right, especially when it comes to helping others. I saw what was happening to you, and I couldn't just stand there and do nothing. So, I intervened and made sure you were safe."

Alice's eyes widened with admiration. "You're incredibly brave, I admire you a lot" Alice complimented

"Thanks" Sarah simply replied

"Besides were you able to secure a house, if not you could stay in my place for a while before securing one, what do you think?" Alice suggested

"No thanks" Sarah simply said and continued "I secured a place already, I could show bring you if you want" Sarah suggested

"I'm happy for you but maybe not today." Alice said smiling "I've been meaning to ask" Alice said and paused "what brought you to New York in the first place?" she asked curiously

Sarah took a quick pause, remembering what brought her to the city, not ready to spill her identity, she said

"I'm here to further my education"

"Really?" Alice asked and Sarah simply nodded "which university and what course are you going for" Alice asked further

"Pristine University, business administration and management" she replied

"Oh mine! you never said, that's the same school as mine" Alice exclaimed with excitement. "What a coincidence! We're going to be classmates! I can't believe I didn't know that earlier."

Sarah smiled warmly, feeling a sense of connection. "That's great! I'm really looking forward to studying at Pristine University. It'll be nice to have someone familiar, like you, by my side."

Alice nodded eagerly. "Absolutely! We can help each other adjust and navigate through campus life together. It's always nice to have a friend when starting a new chapter."