Li Chao

Yong Yunzi and Jing Yin witness the scene where Li Chao had been ganged up. From what they have heard, the leader becomes an inner disciple of Cloud Thunder Peak with his Earth-Grade Lightning Roots. It is also a mutation of spiritual Roots with highly destructive capability.

Cloud Thunder Peak is one of the Peaks of Nine Hall Mountains, the Peak Master is Great Elder Divine Lightning.

He was also called the Trinity Thunder of 7 Apostate of Lightning because of his attacks that have three different kinds of variations. He has 3 Personal Disciples and one of them has a Special physique about lightning.

The two of his underlings become inner disciple of different halls that was managed by Inner Elders. One is Earth Grade Root with a special talent for Martial Arts and the other is an Earth Grade with a special talent for Qi Manipulation.

They also heard how they bullied him from childhood and can only grit their teeth of how they mocked his deceased parents who used to be a respected Martial Artist in the outside world. Both of them had heard that they died in a stampede of Monsters in a Mortal Empire.

In other words, Li Chao is their punching bag who cannot fight back because of his low background and talent.

But Li Chao fought back this time around as his confidence soared, his body had been tempered and reorganized when he was feeling that pain.

Yun Haoran didn't know that, he only knew it would advance the spiritual root but reorganizing the body and making it stronger is out of his equation.

Yun Haoran may also expect it but not to the degree that Li Chao is experiencing or the pill had resonated making his body stronger.

It was also out of Yun Haoran's equation that the Seed he 'planted' on Li Chao would passively absorb spiritual qi when he was asleep.

Chaos ensued and Li Chao is winning. Those on the Fifth Floor Deacons needed to assess the situation. Li Chao became disadvantaged in this because those three are Inner Disciples and he was an Outer Disciple. The Deacons sided with those who have a higher identity. It is safe to say that he won the battle but lost the war.

With Li Chao's eventual punishment, Yong Yunzi used her new authority to dismiss them. The weight of Elder Gold Sword's authority can be said to be absolute. It even frightened the two and shocked Li Chao. If Li Chao's life is a novel, it would compose 3 chapters and it was only an insignificant event of his life.

Their conversation is composed of 'Courting Death' and 'Trash' and also a good analogy is when the quiet bullied kid suddenly fought back and only now the teachers appeared.

"Thank you Senior Yong Yunzi." Li Chao bowed his head.

Yong Yunzi also dismissed him and said, "Don't worry about it. I see you have the talent in you. Keep working hard and someday you will trash them out."

'She is a personal disciple but it didn't inflate her ego, a nice person I think.' He thought to himself, bowed to Jing Yin, and left.

"Why did you help out that guy, Sister?" Jing Yin asked as she looked at the guy trying to feel something.

"He would become stronger, much, much stronger than all Saints combined." Yong Yunzi's smile had hidden emotions such as amazement and reminiscences.

Yong Yunzi had deduced that he had met that mysterious person because of his strong posture today and not a depressed one. His talent did not spike like becoming Heavenly Grade because he cannot sense the call of a technique nor that guy gave a technique.

The call of the technique or follow your heart cannot happen when someone doesn't have at least an Earth Grade root. It was also the reason why Earth Grade and up would need a day to know their technique but below it takes time that it would be crowded for a week.

"Are you sure Sister? You evaluated him that much?" Jing Yin asked because overnight, her ego became inflated but not as much as those guys who become Inner Disciples.

She also thought she was hallucinating because this is not how she had known Yong Yunzi who looked down and assessed on anyone.

"Determination to become stronger even if you are defeated too many times, he would become stronger with those qualities." Yong Yunzi replied and stopped talking. They then go down to the ground floor where useless techniques are gathered and where the Great Elder Gold Sword and Great Elder Filament Ice are waiting.

"Did you find the technique that is calling you?" Elder Gold Sword asked, stroking his beard.

"Master, I got the Manual of Thousand Flames." Yong Yunzi proclaimed proudly.

"A technique to control the Flame, become the Flame and eventually become the Law of Flame. A good technique for your Flame Root." Elder Gold Sword said then they parted ways with Filament Ice.

When they were now flying in the wind, Yong Yunzi suddenly asked, "By the way Master, where is your Senior Brother?"

"Your Senior Brother may be sleeping, cultivating, reading books, in the Alchemy Peak or the Origin Dao Peak." Elder Gold Sword said that Yong Yunzi nodded her head.

When they saw a meteorite descending in the sky, Elder Gold Sword added, "He is cultivating and he will be promoted to the Middle-Grade Qi Sea."

"But why is there a meteorite Master?" She asked even if she had known the answer, to which the Elder replied "His tribulation."

Tribulations are those tests that Cultivators must come out on top and defeat them. There are countless types of tribulations but this is the only basic. A meteorite of this caliber is sand compared to a meteorite with the hardest metal in existence.

The metal became a landmark when the God Wheel Sect had been formed.

Yun Haoran is an anomaly for having a tribulation when it is supposed to happen in Grotto Heaven. Those meteorites can even pulverize ordinary Grotto Heaven existences.

Nine more meteorites descended, they cannot be dodged because it would only double the amount of tribulation coming at someone. There is a crazy cultivator that wanted to test his theory that he can destroy a sect by dodging a tribulation, the result is he was dead, no, he was in constant pain in a Forbidden Area.

They all descended to a place with 9 explosions happening. After that explosion, nine rays of light ascended and the spiritual qi became chaotic.

They then disappeared and appeared after Yun Haoran but Haoran is not finished yet. When the blinding rays of light stopped, he became the center of the chaotic spiritual qi which he was absorbing and a whirlpool appeared.

Refinement is the First stage, and Tempering is the second stage. To temper the Dantian, the Qi needed to be chaotic. It was the most challenging part of the Qi Sea because of the bigger chance for Qi Deviation.

A Deviation is when one cannot control their Qi leading them to be paralyzed or even die. Tempering is to temper their Qi and control the chaotic Qi within themselves. They could only do it one hour per day because their dantian would be in constant pain. And by constant pain and healing of Dantiant, they could strengthen it and store more Qi. That is Tempering with.

When they can control the chaotic qi, there is a small percentage of Deviation happening again. Geniuses can have a chance to control all the qi in their bodies but heaven-defying geniuses took the chance to control the qi and their bodies to become one. Making their bodies become stronger by default.

When the chaotic qi flowed normally again, Yun Haoran opened his eyes. His method made the flowers and trees bloom again but now they are blooming in the meteorite like a mushroom.

A cultivator can affect their surroundings when cultivating. A Saint can influence a thousand kilometers depending on the grade of their method. Yun Haoran can only influence a few meters but its influence is beautiful scenery.

One reason why only those with the same attribute can come together is because of the clash of Elements but Mystic Mist has a rich 5 Elements Qi that balances out each other making those who could cultivate those elements never clash with each other.

"Greetings, Master." Yun Haoran looked at his master with respect.

"Nine meteorites with the power of Grotto Heaven. Haoran, what did you do in your Refinement?" Elder Gold Sword asked with amazement on his face.

"Like a Nine Turn pill and Master knows the rest." Elder Gold Sword can only shake his head because he could only use a metaphor.

He cannot say it directly because of his fear of any divine punishment, although it would certainly be interesting but he cannot gamble that 'interest' with his life.

'He destroyed his Dantian Nine times while rebuilding it. How is it even possible? No, it is possible but it needs Rank 2 of the highest grade healing pills.'

Yomg Yunzi thought. She never knew the meaning behind it the first time but now. He realizes that Yun Haoran is a bigger monster because of the storage where an aura of healing pills resides.

That storage is only a prop however because, with the Seed in his body that constantly nourishes him with Life, he can heal from any injuries, even a Life-threatening ones.

'He had the 13th Meridian so that must be harder.' She thought again and stopped thinking. Her mortal mind would hurt when thinking about it all.

Even if she has the memories and understanding of her previous life, she cannot exert them too much. Her mortal brain would overload with a bunch of information and loads of years of remembering.

"Shall we go? Haoran teaches her cultivation starting now but for only tomorrow." Elder Gold Sword ordered but when he saw the look of Haoran who was trying to create many excuses in his mind, he added 'but' which he gave diction.

"I will accept your order, Master." Yun Haoran accepted and looked at Yong Yunzi with knowing light.

"Master teaches you the rules and the reason for Cultivation." Yun Haoran said while looking at his Junior Sister.

"Yes, Senior Brother." Yong Yunzi replied.

Starting the day after tomorrow, she would just be cultivating on her own so this kind of teaching is bearable for her, for now.

If Yun Haoran taught how to cultivate. It would mean he had known what the nature of Flame Root was. In her previous life, she had an inferiority complex towards this young man.

He is also the reason for many Dao Hearts collapsing and breeding Demon Hearts. She was not the victim but his competitors.

But did she realize later on that being envious of one's talent would not help? It would only stray her path. She realizes early on that it stabilizes her path much earlier and not going awry.

"To cultivate, you needed your Dao Heart to be solid lest you bred a Heart Demon. Dao Heart is about your perseverance towards the Dao, your ambitions, and your goals. To cultivate is about Balance but also not balance.

It is about Order and Chaos, to explore and comprehend. It is not Controlling the world and elements but how you would understand and transcend that notion. Did you understand?" Yun Haoran explained with hand signs, looking serious. For the hand signs, it was only a special effect with roots and trees coming from his hands with colorful leaves making the decoration.

"Yes, a little bit Senior Brother." Yong Yunzi nodded her head. In her previous life, she was amazed that she temporarily forgot her rivalry with Yun Haoran and that she would surpass him.

"To start off, you must know that Dao is immense but little, everything but nothing. It exists but is also nonexistent. It is above Time or Space but also beneath it. It is endless yet limited. It is the Father of All Truth but also the Mother of Falsehood.

We are part of the Dao and its collective consciousness and by transcending it, you transcend the Dao and become a being standing above it. That is only my understanding." He smiled and scratched his head.

Yong Yunzi didn't know what he was saying in her previous timeline but now she understood a little. It is little but she gained a lot of understanding because she had forgotten this part of her memories. Even if she became an Emperor and looked at the River of Time, reversed fate and gained the ability to look at it directly. She cannot see anything.