Manual of Thousand Flames

Yong Yunzi realized that what Yun Haoran had told her is the basic understanding of the beginning of the Great Dao. She needed to comprehend a little bit before it totally disappeared from her memories and was erased completely.

All that started in Great Dao should end in Great Dao, and only an Originator could comprehend it entirely.

"Manual of Thousand Flames is a good choice. To control the Flames, you needed a physique to withstand it. To become flames, you needed to incarnate with it. To become the Law of Flames, you need to understand it. Although a Seventh Grade, if you understand the Laws and exceed them, you may proceed to create your own Flame laws." Yun Haoran said, nodding his head.

"Look, this is just an imitation of that technique but it had 99% of the maximum." Yun Haoran used his hands to create a Firewheel with different runes and formations.

He then performed the martial arts with aggression and randomness, with different variations and changes. A one attack becomes two and the maximum becomes five attacks in one.

He used his palms to charge the flames but another flame would erupt from it. Two attacks in one. He then kicked in the air and another eruption would happen. He attacked with a punch and another eruption was created. That punch had 5 eruptions on it.

It is a diverging and continuous attack with one attack equalling 5 attacks in total. It is a stack attack with two times the strength of the first.

"I'm only in the Qi Sea and not my technique so I could only use 5 eruptions at the time. Because I used Flame to temper my wood. I don't have any flame on me but if I have it, you can expect a stronger variation." Yun Haoran explained while performing the Thousand Flames.

"Senior Brother, how can you generate flames if the main weakness of Wood is Flame?" Yong Yunzi asked as she had genuine question marks above her head.

She was acting because someone with Heavenly Grade roots should have many questions and not just nod their head.

The curiosity of a genius is a daily occurrence. If you don't have any curiosity, you are not listening or you are that dumb. A talent has been wasted if it is the case.

"Good question, Junior Sister. Because I am special and a genius. In the outside world, they called me a monster. Hehehe, those fools. Master beat their master or grandmaster black and blue in Master's days and when I descended, they all challenged me in a fight. Hahahaha." Yun Haoran laughed, then stopped for a while.

Yong Yunzi acted like she was imagining the scene and proudly proclaimed, "Then if you are a genius, I'll become a Super Genius. I'll beat their Master or grandmaster."

"You can truly do that. I am not yet there imagining those happening but it can become your first Goal. A cultivator must have a Goal to achieve. Step by step, from a small goal to a bigger goal.

Always get a goal aligned with yourself so you don't get lost when you are at the highest peak." Yun Haoran teaches her the most important aspect of someone.

To always have a goal and not only a dream. To dream is to have the courage to walk onto something and a goal to know that even far away, you are a step closer to that dream.

"Then what is your goal, Senior Brother?" Yong Yunzi asked. This is the first time she had asked her Senior Brother what his goal was. Even in her first timeline, he is an enigmatic existence.

When the Continental Wall broke apart and the Five Continents finally aligned, he would be gone for months or years. Even Elder Gold Sword didn't exactly know what he was doing because there was no news of him.

"My goal? That is to build the Supreme Foundation and create all the Uniqueness I wanted. That is, for now, I'll guide you until tomorrow." Yun Haoran replied with a smile. His eyes have the determination to pursue it and will do anything necessary to achieve it.

Yong Yunzi had seen that determination, it was endless and bottomless. Even in three lifetimes, it cannot be erased. It was now etched in his soul.

'Now, I know the reason…' She thought and stood up.

Manual of Thousand Flames. It is a cultivation manual, a martial arts manual, and even a small version of the Body Cultivation Manual that could be upgraded. Its creator died before it became a Saint Grade manual but its potency is top-notch.

Someone can cultivate it while doing Martial Arts and it was recommended because by doing Martial Arts, someone can be strengthened and become Flame themselves. Fiery Flame Peak tried cultivating it but all of them failed because of how straightforward their attacks were, which is their philosophy of Might and Flame.

'This girl?' Yun Haoran thought while being amazed by his Junior Sister. She was moving in a direction he didn't consider while Flames, albeit small, had been generating from left to right.

Yun Haoran may be a genius, a monster of his generation but he was still a human that needed a lot to learn so seeing this kind of scene, he generated all his own fighting style and updated them.

Yong Yunzi, oblivious of the fact she had unknowingly let his Senior Brother become more troublesome, used the refined version of Manual of Thousand Flame.

She can do it every day because of how she used the Flame to ignite her blood to get more nutrients from what she had eaten in the Meridian Opening Stage. When she became a Qi Sea, she didn't need to eat but to absorb the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth. She can use them to refine and temper her Flame Qi like her Senior Brother did.

'Senior Brother's guidance and refined technique. This is freedom.' She thought with a smile on her face.

This is her first mistake in regression. When doing the martial arts in Manual of Thousand Flames, she entered a state of epiphany where she is one with herself.

Yun Haoran has no suspicion about what she was doing because he is like this the first time he used his technique.

In Yong Yunzi's previous timeline, she had only mastered the technique after a month of practice.

Because of this, the mind that uses the technique for hundreds of thousands of years and her old body become one.

'The Flames can incinerate everything but it has the power to heal. It is stubborn but easy to use. It is freeing but one cannot live without the other. I am the Flame and the Flame should be me.' Incantations upon incantations had been used and the state of Epiphany only intensified.

Sparks of flame had been ignited and the spiritual qi became chaotic. A circle of flames had enveloped her. She became a newborn goddess that had awakened and a phoenix that dances in the Nine Heavens.

"What happened?" Yun Haoran heard a voice, he looked sideways to see Elder Gold Sword stroking his beard.

"An epiphany." He replied while continuing to watch.

"Let me rephrase it, what did you do?" Elder Gold Sword asked while inquiring about the events that came with the epiphany.

"Master, if you see how the Manual of Thousand Flames is being used, how is it different from how she is doing right now?" Yun Haoran asked a genuine question because even he didn't know.

Elder Gold Sword watched with great interest and then amazement at how it was different yet the same. How refined and tempered it became but still it was the dance like the Flame and a phoenix flying in the sky.

"You have a competitor, Haoran. Hahaha," Elder Gold Sword laughed while looking at Yun Haoran.

"If she has Qi Sea Uniqueness, I'll reconsider what you have said, Master." Yun Haoran proudly proclaimed that Elder Gold Sword now had an appreciation on his olden face. Yun Haoran may have no arrogance but he has pride.

He used that pride to intensify his desires. Work hard for the dream he always wanted to have. Although he would not stress himself and do what he always likes to do.

"You have realized the path towards the Qi Sea 13th Foundation. How did you find out? When you have destroyed your Dantian?" Elder Gold Sword asked without trying to be forceful.

He would respect Yun Haoran if he cannot say it. He can only watch from the sidelines and protect him if any harm greater than Haoran descends.

"When the Qi becomes chaotic and when I become whirlpool in the center. I have realized that there is no predetermined path of Qi but there are also set rules in them. That is the channel of Qi between Heaven and Earth. Master knows the rest." Yun Haoran explained but never intended on showing what he would do.

Elder Gold Sword realized he wanted to imitate the Channel of Qi and then make it his own. It was like the Path of Dao with Saints. That is the reason for his amazement.

His Dao is not the Sword or the profession he was using. When Yun Haoran explained it to him, he now had a path to choose from.

"Hahahahaha. Oh Haoran, even Heaven would be amazed by what you are planning." Elder Gold Sword laughs and he senses the channel.

"I am not finished yet, Master. If you are given, you must return something." Yun Haoran stopped talking and looked at his Master with a smile.

Elder Gold Sword had been taken aback and realized what he wanted to say. The Great Dao gives us something and we must also return something.

'The more you become stronger Master, the more we will become safe.' He thought to himself. He was using vague words because to influence a Saint is a grave mistake.

If they somehow strayed too much on their path and become dependent on someone is also the end of the line for them.

Yun Yongzi then finished the Martial Arts. Her eyes have clarity while her body looks the same but when she wanted to walk to the two, she fainted but she was caught by Yun Haoran.

"It consumed her nutrients because she has no enough qi to generate that kind of heat." Elder Gold Sword said and nodded.

A Nine Turn Rank 1 pill then manifested but instead of gold, it was blood red in color. It has the smell of wine that can intoxicate anyone.

Golf Sword twitched his eyebrows seeing this pill and admonished, "Bastard, tempering with the Healing pill that our Ancestors had invented is a sin."

"Master, our Ancestor teaches development and advancement but the Sect are always trying to preserve what they have created. In my opinion, the sect is more sinful than me." Yun Haoran retorted that the Elder Gold Sword shook his head but his mouth cannot complain.

This is his bastard disciple. Even if his mouth is something sharp, he would protect him until he showed his greatness not only in the Eastern Continent but to the whole world.