The Younger One

"Flame Asura, surrender and your group will not die." shouted a man with a sword intent. He had an arrogance that is as high as the Dragon's arrogance told in legends.

There are five hundreds of Meridian Opening and hundreds of Qi Sea with different stages. The only thing they have in common is they created an inferior War Formation.

War Formations are something enforced when there is a war. It is about the strength of the people involved and the formation or tricks that they have created. War Formations can empower all the individuals and even more so when they are being led by a commander. Fighting a group that knows War Formations are a pain in the ass because of how they fought like one individual.

The other is they are being led by a guy with blonde hair. He had a majestic aura that was not about being a person with great strength and charisma but someone that is born with a royal lineage. A royal lineage that stood strong for many generations.