The Two Lover

"You are here, it seems." greeted Yun Haoran in a space that was created from golden and silver radiance. He was standing at the golden platform and a being stood at the silver platform.

There is a restraint on them, they cannot move a single step outside the barrier. The two beings, one that created this space and one that had been invited to come to this place.

"Hm, Yun Haoran or Xiao Yan?" asked the being on the silver platform. She had long black hair, eyes that could see the truth and the lies, and an aura of pure suppression. If given enough description, she is the embodiment of Perfection enough to be envied by all.

She is Hong Tianya.

"I like my current name, I am a protagonist if it is about my previous name," replied Yun Haoran looking at the woman in front of him. There are many thoughts and plans he had stopped just to maintain this place and to have a conversation with her.