Burning His Hair

Hair intact?!

Just what did this girl mean to do?!

The CEO was so angry that he wanted to throw the mic on the ground and be done with it. But he still had his reasoning mind working better than Abigail. So he controlled his anger and said, "Do you want to be kicked out of here?"

"Kicked out?" Abigail chuckled and said, "My dear soon to be bald CEO, you don't even know who I am and neither did you bother to ask. Why did you assume that I'm just a simple nobody?"

She was actually enjoying her position as Mrs. Harrison! She giggled in her heart, but somehow, she managed to keep her face straight as she thought of the ending of her plan.

She had now long forgotten that she wanted to create trouble for her husband. Instead, she started messing up with this damned CEO.


"You're a nobody in my eyes as long as you are a woman." The CEO spoke harshly, gaining boos from girls standing around the crowd.

But he didn't care about it. He had his view straight and he wouldn't change them for just any pitiful girl.

When Abigail heard those words, her smile vanished as she looked at him. Her patience was slipping through her fingers as she warned him one last time. "Apologize."

"What if I don't?" The man clearly didn't take her seriously as he raised his head and looked backstage, meeting the host's eyes. "What are you waiting for? Kick her out of here for making trouble like this!"

Abigail had had enough. This was the first time she was controlling her anger like this. Normally, she would just go ahead and do it, but she still wanted to give this stupid person one chance. After all, that lady backstage still liked this guy for some reason, although she didn't see any reason why anyone should like such a man.

He was so egotistical with terrible worldviews.

The more she looked at him, the more her face turned colder. In the end, she directly pulled out a lighter from her purse and said, "Don't blame me for doing this. I had already warned you enough."

After saying those words, she directly lit fire on the man's hair. Literally.

Her hands went directly to the CEO's slicked back oily hair as she lit them on fire. Before anyone could react, she chuckled holding the mic and said, "Say goodbye to your hair my dear CEO. sadly, I can't do worse because she still likes you, but I guess I can still make you bald, can't I?" She rushed backstage, but before heading back, she paused for a bit and said to the audience, "By the way, I'm the official Mrs. Harrison."

The CEO still hadn't realized that his hair was on fire since he hadn't seen the girl using the lighter on his hair. The crowd started screaming and yelling for help while looking at him worriedly.

He frowned and was about to speak when he felt his scalp slightly warm. Soon enough, his scalp started to burn terribly, so much that an ear-piercing scream rolled out of his throat. His hands went to his head in an attempt to soothe his scalp, but alas, in the end, even his hands started burning.

Of course, others weren't standing on the sidelines and watching the show. The host worked quickly and had his people rush to help. They poured water from the man's hair, but unfortunately, it was too late. They weren't able to save the back of his hair that burned completely to the scalp.

Then, backstage.

"Woah." Anne was so shocked that she stood there, dumbfounded, staring at her friend with a new light. "You were awesome."

The woman who had just confessed to the CEO and witnessed the man's hair burning was angry and sad at the same time. She walked over and raised her hand, slapping right across Abigail's face.

"I didn't ask for it!"

Abigail touched the side of her cheek and clicked her tongue.

Her mood had just taken a good turn when something like this had to happen again. Her eyes turned cold as she raised her head and glanced at the woman coldly.

"I didn't ask you to slap me."

The woman didn't care about what Abigail said and looked at the stage, shedding tears. She choked up and said, "I hate you for doing this to him!"

"But he doesn't appreciate your love." Abigail felt like there was a bunch of poop stored in this woman's head. The more she stayed backstage, the angrier she got.

She knew she was again on the verge of destroying something again. The urge was close to bursting out of her heart, making her fingers twitch.

She took a deep breath as her fingers curled to form a fist as she said, "Get away from me if you don't want to burn just like him!"

After speaking like that, she walked away from the backstage, directly heading toward the backdoor. To her surprise, Nicholas was standing there as if he were sure she would come out from there.

Abigail merely looked at him as her expression worsened. She grabbed his collar in anger and said, "That slap was all your fault! Why did you have to make me so angry that I resorted to going to the stage to get back at you?!"

"Slap?" Nicholas looked at the redness on the woman's cheek and frowned.

He grabbed her wrist and said, "Let's go back."

"Gladly!" Abigail swatted his hand away and stomped toward the place where their car was placed. "As if I need your permission! Get ready to have your garden destroyed all over again!"

Nicholas said nothing as the duo walked back. He glanced at his furious wife and suddenly felt like she was similar to an angry, puffed up little cat who wanted to scratch someone to vent her anger but she still held back desperately.

He averted his eyes.

This was actually good. He didn't have to suffer at her hands.

As for getting his garden destroyed….

This wouldn't be the first time it would happen. Even if Abigail had destroyed that garden, he had his people remake it overnight. He had money to make it all over again. So he didn't care as long as this woman didn't mess with him.

For the first time ever since they got married, the atmosphere between the duo was silent as neither of them talked all the way back home.