She Forgot!

Abigail swiftly turned around and glared at the man. "Absolutely not! You're still injured!"

"It's not bleeding anymore. Let's go." Nicholas showed his hand and indeed, bleeding had stopped.

She looked at the injury as a frown crossed her forehead. She wanted to say something when her husband distracted her with something else.

"C'mon, we have to leave for the meeting."

Ah, yes. The meeting! How could she forget?!

"Oh, my God!" Abigail raised her hand to her mouth in shock. "We aren't late, are we?"

Nicholas said nothing and grabbed her wrist, dragging her out of there. Just when he was about to exit, he turned sideways and glanced at the receptionist coldly. Her gaze sent a shiver down the lady's spine, but before it could make her tremble, the man turned around and walked out of the lobby.