Now You Know How To Beg!

Abigail again hurried through the corridor and finally reached her husband's door. She nearly slipped, but thankfully, she held onto the door handle and gasped for breath.

Damn it, she rushed so fast for him!

She quickly knocked at the door and waited for the man to open it. It seemed that Nicholas had no plans to open it from the inside. So the more Abigail waited, the more she turned anxious.

In the end, she knocked once again.

This time, the doorknob finally turned as the man opened it up from the inside. This time, another handsome image attacked her eyes, making her almost blind.

At this time, Nicholas was standing there shirtless with only a towel draped around his lower body. There were traces of water all over his chest as drops continued to trickle down his skin. And there was a hint of irritation on his face as he looked at her and asked, "What now?"

Oh, my God! Were these men trying to kill her?!