This Person Again?!

Heavens must be playing jokes on her. Otherwise, how could she end up in a movie where the male lead was changed to her psychiatrist?!

She wasn't in a novel, was she? If she were, she really wanted to meet the author and teach her a lesson!

No, maybe she was mistaken. Maybe Owen came here because he was a doctor. Abigail scolded herself in her heart for guessing and judging things without knowing the entire truth.

But alas, her dreams remained unfulfilled as Susan quickly broke her expectations and said, "Oh, you know him? He's my cousin who will act as the male lead. Actually, by profession, he's a psychiatrist, but during his college days, he didn't have enough money. So I helped him during that phase a little bit."

Abigail cursed under her breath.

She was so dead.

On the other side, Asher's brows furrowed deeper.


This name again?