I now turned to face Alpha Max. I just didn't have faith in the man.

I questioned Alpha Max, "How long did you know?" He gave a shrug.

Alpha Max's candor in front of Storm stunned me more than I had anticipated. "Storm had to tell me because it was the only way to stop me from coming after you, even though I should have known from the beginning. You're the only woman I was with that I didn't hurt."

He was discussing having sex with me in front of my partner, who had just had sex with me a short while earlier.

I pointed out to him that if you ever gain the courage to ever take off that ring and truly find her, your mate will have a fucking field day in your bed. "You did hurt me, Max. Make no mistake about that fact. I could compete with women in abusive relationships because the man always left my skin in such bad condition.

With each passing word in this conversation, Storm's gaze got progressively more menacing, but he remained silent.