I now faced Alpha Max as I pivoted. I simply lacked confidence in the man.

Alpha Max was asked, "How long did you know?" The man shrugged.

The openness of Alpha Max toward Storm surprised me more than I had anticipated. Despite the fact that I should have known from the start, Storm had to inform me in order to prevent me from pursuing you. I didn't hurt any of the other women I was with but you.

In front of my partner, who had just had sex with me moments earlier, he was talking about having sex with me.

I told him that his partner would have a fucking field day in your bed if he ever had the guts to take off that ring and genuinely find her.I was injured by you, Max. That is a fact, no doubt about it. Because the man consistently left my skin in such poor condition, I could compete with women who were in abusive relationships.

Storm's glare grew more deadly with each word that was said in this conversation, but he said nothing.