Chapter 3 Skills

( Please guys give my book review and leave a comment . I'm working hard for you guys till late at night at 2:00 PM believe me. )

I began my day with a contented smile, reminiscing about the incredible day I had experienced just the day before. It was a day that had left me feeling invigorated and alive, a day I knew I'd never forget. Yes, I did lose my virginity to a beautiful prostitute, and to make things even more intriguing, I received an unexpected reward for it. The memory brought a playful grin to my face as I got out of bed and stretched.

After a simple yet satisfying breakfast consisting of toast and jam, I felt the urge to get some fresh air and clear my mind. I decided to embark on my daily jog, believing that maintaining my physical health would be key to my future adventures.

As I jogged through the tranquil morning streets, the cool breeze against my skin, a lingering question began to gnaw at my thoughts. I couldn't shake the curiosity, so I decided to consult the enigmatic system that seemed to be guiding my peculiar journey.

"Hey, system," I panted between breaths, "if I engage in physical activities or exercise, do I gain points in my stats?"

The system, always ready to provide answers, replied in its matter-of-fact tone, "Yes, host, you do accumulate points in your stats through physical activities. However, it's worth noting that your current stats are already quite high. Earning more stats won't be as easy, especially considering this system's focus on intimate encounters, which generally yields lower stat gains compared to conventional training."

The revelation shed light on why I hadn't received any notifications or stat boosts for my exercise routines. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but feel that my unique approach to personal development, grounded in my amorous escapades, would set me on an extraordinary path to becoming exceptionally formidable.

My curiosity satiated for the moment, I decided to check my current status with the system:


**Name:** Rex

**Strength:** 60

**Charm:** 55

**Luck:** 45

**Stamina:** 100 (Human body peak)

**Penis:** 8 inches

**Sex Skills:** Sperm control, Arouse scent, Pleasure touch, Monster Stamina.

**Items:** 0

**Sex Points:** 0

**Abilities:** Earth Manipulation (D): Let's manipulate earth more freely.

Reviewing my status, I couldn't help but nod in approval. It appeared that my recent adventures had left me with some rather unique and intriguing abilities. The combination of my high stats and the peculiar skills bestowed upon me left me feeling like a character in a fantastical adventure.

Eager to explore this newfound potential, I decided to return home and experiment with my (D) Rank Earth Manipulation ability. I made my way to the backyard, the excitement building as I contemplated what I could achieve with this power.

Standing before a patch of earth, I focused my energy and intentions on creating an Earth spike. Closing my eyes, I visualized the spike rising from the ground. When I opened my eyes, I was met with a sight that left me both shocked and elated. Not only had I succeeded in creating the Earth spike, but it had also obliterated a 10-meter area of the yard. My (D) Rank ability had unleashed a destructive force that belied its modest title.

Breathless and amazed, I couldn't help but exclaim, "System, is my ability really this powerful?"

The system's response came promptly, "That's because of the host's high status. You possess considerable power."

The revelation left me in awe. If I, with my (D) Rank ability, could rival the capabilities of a lower (C) Ranker, then the possibilities were boundless. It was evident that my journey was only beginning, and the potential for growth was staggering.

Intrigued by the prospect of honing my newfound abilities, I inquired further, "Can I enhance my Earth affinity through training?"

The system's reply was encouraging, "That's possible. Currently, your (D) Rank is at level 1. To reach level 30, you'll need to put in the effort."

Determined to reach new heights of power, I resolved to dedicate myself to the training regimen required to unlock my abilities fully.

With newfound purpose, I continued to practice my Earth Manipulation ability, steadily progressing throughout the afternoon until I reached level 10. The feedback from the system served as motivation and a reminder that my journey was far from over.

I decided it was time for a break, and I left the backyard, eager to embark on a different kind of adventure: shopping. My freshly acquired confidence, combined with a dash of curiosity, led me to explore the nearby supermarket.

Booking a taxi using a ride-sharing app, I awaited its arrival with anticipation. To my pleasant surprise, the driver who pulled up was a stunning woman with striking features. Her presence was magnetic, and as I stepped into the taxi, I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement.

With a friendly smile, I initiated a conversation, my curiosity getting the better of me. "Hey, what's your name?" I inquired, trying to strike up a polite conversation.

Her response was laced with playful intrigue, "Why do you ask? Are you trying to hit on me?"

Quick to clarify my intentions, I responded, "No, not at all. It's just that your beauty is quite remarkable, and it would be disrespectful not to inquire."

Amused by my honesty, she decided to engage further, throwing down a challenge. "Well, why don't you guess my name? I'll give you a clue—it starts with 'A' and ends with 'A,' it consists of five letters, and there might be a reward if you guess correctly."

Pausing for a moment, I contemplated her riddle, but then I remembered the assistance I had at my disposal. I turned to the system for guidance, which suggested a name that fit the description: "Anita."

With a confident smile, I took a leap of faith and said, "I think it's Anita."

Her laughter filled the cab as she confirmed my guess, and we arrived at my destination. I paid the fare, but my adventurous spirit prompted me to offer a reward, a spontaneous gesture that would mark the beginning of another intriguing encounter.

Anita, now taking on a playful demeanor, didn't hesitate. She leaned in close, her lips tantalizingly close to mine, and then, in an unexpected twist, she turned slightly and planted a soft, teasing kiss on my cheek. Stunned but pleasantly surprised, I stood there momentarily, feeling a delightful warmth spreading from the spot where her lips had touched.

Anita simply said, "We'll see you soon," before driving away, leaving me with a sense of exhilaration and a wide grin on my face.

With renewed enthusiasm, I stepped into the supermarket, ready to indulge in some retail therapy. The prospect of selecting new clothes and accessories, combined with my adventurous day so far, filled me with excitement.

As I navigated through the store, I found myself drawn to the clothing section. The desire to upgrade my wardrobe was undeniable, and I began trying on various outfits. In the end, I settled on four distinct sets of clothing that reflected different aspects of my personality.

The first choice was a sleek black jacket paired with matching pants, exuding an air of sophistication and mystery. It was a look that could seamlessly transition from day to night, suitable. I thought rest of the day would be good but God how wrong I was, when i saw them.