
Upon waking up, the first thing Yu Qingyu did was to move Liu Wei from the floor and onto the bed. Seeing the state the man's clothes were in, he hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether he should change them or not, but in the end, he left them as they were. They were only dirty, not wet, after all. It wasn't worth risking waking the man up, when he clearly needed rest.

Only after Liu Wei was nicely tucked in, wrapped in blankets with the utmost care, did Yu Qingyu spare any thoughts on his own condition. He blushed when he noticed that he was clean and dressed in fresh elven clothes, most likely Liu Wei's. He remembered being all covered up in mud, and since he was clean now, that meant that his crush must have washed Yu Qingyu himself, and therefore saw him naked… It wasn't exactly the first time, and Yu Qingyu didn't mind, but he still couldn't help but feel shy.