
"I'm sorry!" Yu Qingyu called out, bowing down low as soon as Liu Wei stepped back into the kitchen. The breakfast was ready, the table set with a variety of freshly made dishes, just waiting to be consumed. But before they would sit down to eat, Yu Qingyu wanted to apologize. Otherwise, he worried the atmosphere might be too strained, and ruin the meal…

Liu Wei raised his brows, confused once again. "…Sorry for what?" he couldn't help but ask.

"Well… For everything?" Yu Qingyu bit his lip, his eyes darting around, looking everywhere but at Liu Wei's face. "For how I acted when I was drunk… For… Well, maybe not for how I scolded you for being mean to Sylvian's ex-girlfriend, because I still think I was right on that one… But, for disappearing for so long, and coming back in such a terrible state…"

Liu Wei let out a helpless sigh. "Well, it's not like you disappeared out of your free will, now did you? And I don't think you wanted to get sick or injured either…"