
Having made up his mind, Yu Qingyu took a deep breath to calm down, before asking, "How can I appease you?"

Liu Wei remained silent for a while, observing Yu Qingyu. When he finally opened up his mouth again, instead of answering, he asked, "…yooo-ur…mish…ssion…?"

"Mission? Are you… asking what my mission is?"


Yu Qingyu let out a sigh. "Do you want me to lose this mission?"

Liu Wei shook his head lightly in response. "Want… khnow… fhirsth…"

"My mission… is to solve the haunting in this mansion. I plan to do it by appeasing all the spirits," Yu Qingyu explained. "I think that it's a mission that should be done… Both to help the ghosts and the living. Don't you think? And I lost the previous one, so it won't be that bad for you if I win this time…"
