
When Yu Qingyu ran out of his room, Zan Fanteng was already almost there, just a few steps away. Had Yu Qingyu left any later, and the man would have been able to catch a glimpse into the room, and perhaps see Liu Wei…

"F-fanteng! W-what brings you here?" Yu Qingyu uttered, his heart racing uncontrollably. 

"I've come to check on you. You are injured, so Junsha asked me to keep an eye on you, just in case."

"O-oh, right…" Yu Qingyu held back a sigh. He specifically picked Zan Fanteng to be on the second floor, because unlike the two women on the team, he thought the man wouldn't make a fuss of him… But he forgot that Zan Fanteng would do pretty much anything Chu Junsha asked him for. Even if it was to watch over his 'love rival'.

"Anyway… Is there something in your room?"