He's Better Than Me

I didn't stay by William's side.

When a man cried, he usually didn't need his friends around him. I didn't know how to comfort him. Should I take him in my arms, pat him on the head, and tell him not to cry? I couldn't do that.

I went back to the ward. Ava was still waiting for me to watch the movie with her. I sat next to her as she watched the movie intently and giggled.

I waited quietly for the movie to end. When she was looking for the next movie, I asked her, "Are you sure you're not going to be with William?"

"Mmm..." Ava tapped on the screen and said, "I thought I was so stupid. I don't feel the need to keep giving, and I want to be kind to myself. I mean, I asked him to marry me so many times, and I almost died because of him."

I said, "Maybe he'd die for you."

Ava said, "Who knows? It didn't happen, and I don't want it to happen."
