Li Rouchen,I won't spare you "Qinyang said and fell on Rouchen,the both of them was caught off guard,it was a sudden fall that made them groan in pain,Qinyang face was on his chest,she looked up and saw his handsome face so near her,she was in a daze forgetting that she came to give him a warning ,she raised her hand up to caress his cheek but she was pushed away and Rouchen stood up and she also stood up in anger .

 "Rouchen look at her furiously while he adjust his clothes and hair" how dare you ? , "he took one step forward to her but Qinyang put her hands on her hips and started walking towards him while he moved back stunning Rouchen "

 Li Rouchen,how dare you cancel the deal,we have worked hard on constructing the comic,what else do you want huh "Qinyang gritted her teeth in anger"

 Listen to me carefully,Your People only copy the works of others and that is what diffuse Star is doing,you just get one thing straight into this small head , don't mess with me and if you do you will loss a lot of precious things,I am warning you I can do anything "Rouchen said coldly but it didn't affect Qinyang she just blinked ,seeing that the girl at his front isn't scared he step forward to her and both are looking at each other,Rouchen was trying to scare her but she didn't get scared instead she was admiring his face and he got pissed off and left "

 Yang yang,why did you have to do that "Jaiyi asked "don't you know who he is,he is known to be the ruthless businessman and also he rarely smile but he is very handsome "Jaiyi said with dreamy eyes and qinyang rolled her eyes and sighed "

 I wonder what I will do,the shareholders of diffuse Star will never accept this loss "Mr Liu said softly but Qinyang heard him and she started thinking of ways to help him,Mr Liu is like a father to her when she needed anything he would do it without thinking of the outcome and for the past three years she has been thinking of ways to help him she has finally seen a way and she won't let it go "Qinyang hug Jaiyi and ran towards Li Rouchen direction but his car left before she could reach him ,she turn around and saw mingzhu standing at her front with folded hands and her face glaring at qinyang with hatred and Qinyang glared at her back and walk away from her but Ming zhu held her hand and push her back "

 Qinyang, I have told you to stay away from me ,I told you not to ever cross path with me "Ming zhu said but qinyang shove her hand away from hers and just walk pass Ming zhu making her angry "

 Qinyang,you don't have the courage to face me ,if you dare come and argue with me "she shouted in anger" because of you my childhood was ruined,my happiness was taken away from me because of you "she said trying hard not to cry and shouted again"

I hate you Zhou qinyang "she said and Wei yi hugged her trying to calm her down "

 What could have happened to Ming zhu and Qinyang that they can't even stand each other "she thought " Ming zhu is part of the Lu family and Qinyang is just a middle class girl what must have happened between them that hurts Ming zhu a lot and as far as I saw Qinyang she also has a sad expression, Ii have never seen Ming zhu this weak "she sighed inwardly and continue patting her back ". Ming zhu ,I know you are sad but can you tell me what happened here between you and Qinyang "she pulled away from their embrace but Ming zhu didn't say anything " it's okay if you can't tell me but don't worry it will be fine,ok let's go eat "Ming zhu nodded her head trying to smile and their both walk to the car teen to eat "

 Meanwhile Qinyang was surprise to see Ming zhu in Nancheng academy,the old memories of the past started coming back the flash of how her parents died started affecting her,she ran to the bathroom holding her head in pain then she put her hand in her bag and brought out a pain subside and she quickly used it,she was trembling while tears roll down her cheeks,she sat on the floor then her phone rang and she stood up to see who is calling and her eyes widened "

 It's from the hospital "she picked the call and her eyes widened her legs started getting limb but she dare not fall she quickly picked her bag and ran out of the toilet,Qinyang arrived at the hospital and entered ward 67 and saw her little sister Zhou Xiang Ai ,she is sixteen years old since the day her parents died she had been sick ,qinyang only have her little sister and grandparents and she didn't want to lose them all the money she own the fame she wants wasn't for herself but for her little sister and her grandparents,her little Ai has been in coma for thirteen years and their hasn't been any improvement and the hospital are saying she should give up on her no never she won't give up on her,she quickly hugged her sister "

 Ai, why are you still sleeping,please get up and see the outside world , I know you have always want to have a perfect and smooth body why are you sleeping look at how your body looks so petite and you smooth skin are pale,please don't give up even if all the doctors give up on you I won't give up please get will,grandma isn't talking to me because you are still sleeping but I am sure if you get up now grandma will talk to me please Ai "she started sobbing softly and a nurse entered "

 Miss Zhou you have two days to decide,the doctors said you should take your sister somewhere else and cure her ,take heart and be strong Miss Zhou "the sighed and left "

WHO WILL HELP ME ? What should i tell my grandparents,what if I really fail to protect Ai then am I really bad just like what Ming zhu always say "Many thoughts went through Qinyang mind as she was now walking on the road not caring about where she is going ,her heart hurts a lot,she wanted to cry but no tears fall from her face ,she was so lost now and she can't do anything for her little sister then she started feeling dizzy her legs was limb she tried to walk but her body was too weak she fell on the floor and saw a car stop at her front then a man came out and walked up to her and the man carried her,she tried to look at him but it was too last but the scent of the man was peaceful and calm that she embrace the scent and her world become dark .