A Stranger Contract Girlfriend

 Qinyang open her eyes and look around the room then she yelped up and scan her body and sighed happily that her clothes are still intact and she remembered what happened last night and started wondering who helped her she stood up and look around the room,the room is very spacious and beautiful like a rich person house "wait am I in a billionaire room " she thought then the door open and a middle age woman entered 

 Young Miss, you are told to bath and wear this clothes Young master will be here soon "she said and quickly left before qinyang could say anything "

 Who is it that help me ? Let's me bath first "she went into the bathroom and took her bath then she wore the clothes the woman gave her and sighed " I am really a beautiful goddess ,this pink dress suit me "she walked out of the room and look around then her eyes widened in shock when she saw Li Rouchen and Qinyang started crying inside "don't tell me he is the one that save me ohhhhh why himmm ? "She thought and then she look down trying hard not to look at his handsome face she wanted to talk but she couldn't,her mouth will open and close repeatedly.

 Looking at the puzzled girl in front of him,Rouchen rolled his eyes and sat majestically on the couch and put a file on the table and spoke

Take a look at the file and sign it if you agree "he said and Qinyang quickly took the file and opened it and her eyes widened in shock ,she glared at the contract and Rouchen then burst into a fake laughter pissing Rouchen off ,she looked at his cold face and quickly composed herself and cleared her throat "

Li Rouchen,I….I ….I mean you want me to become your girlfriend for three months, are you serious "she look at him with anger on her face and walk to his front "

I am warning you,if you think I will agree to you because you save me then continue dreaming because I am not like other ladies who will try many ways to stay with you,I am Z.H.O.U. Q.I.N.Y.A.N.G,ZHOU QINYANG ,I am different "she said and put her hand on her waist like a mother who is scolding her child but Rouchen was still wearing his cold expression while trying to study her which made her anger and she started walking away when Rouchen stood up and a devilish smirk appear on his handsome face

Zhou qinyang, I heard that your little sister Zhou Xiang Ai is going to die in two days "he said coldly and looked at Qinyang who has stop walking and continue talking "

You have been struggling for the past thirteen years to keep her alive and safe but your effort will be wasted once she dies,so think about it,I will pay for her hospital bills and put her under the care of the best doctor "After the long silence in the living room Rouchen went to her front and put his card in her hand and quickly turn away from her trying not to look at her sad face "

That is my card ,you have only today to decide what you want "he said and left, immediately he went out he told his guard to escort her to wherever she is going "

Back in the living room,qinyang tried hard not to cry but tears started flowing non stop then the guard entered ". Young Miss please come with me,I will take you home. "He said but qinyang look at him with a small smile on her face "

Brother,I am fine ,I can go home myself "she said and quickly left the mansion "

At the other side of the mansion,Fu hong sighed and turned to his friend shaking his head in disappointment

Mr Li ,you are so bad,you actually made her cry, "he said and sat beside Rouchen "Ah yuan,I think you can trust her ,she look charming and decent and I .....

Hong ,don't tell me to ever trust anyone because everyone is the same especially ladies who are after me because of fame and wealth "he said angrily and remember something from his past which made his face sore and Hong quickly changed the topic"

Ok,Ok ,don't trust any ladies but you can atleast trust me "he said and smiled at his friend "Ah yuan why did you want her to be your girlfriend could it be thaaat you... "he wanted to tease him but when he saw his friend cold face he cleared his throat and sighed"

The old woman is trying to get me engaged to the daughter of the Lu family but I don't want to get involved with the Lu family affairs and Lu Yin Tao is so heartless even to his niece "Rouchen said and remembered the scene when saw Lu Ming zhu in the rain kneeling outside the Lu mansion gate and Fu hong also nodded his head knowing what he said was right"

Do you want to investigate the Lu family "Fu hong ask curiously because he was also interested in the Lu family background "

No ,don't do that ,not now "he said and then Rouchen was silently thinking of something while Fu hong was already bored because of the long silence he started thinking of what to say that will make Rouchen burst then his mind wander off to Qinyang "

Ah yuan,I don't understand why you chose Qinyang ,"he looked at him patiently trying to study his facial expression and then he saw something different a little bit of emotion in Li Rouchen eyes for the first time in many years he smiled inwardly and pray that in these three months the fake contract should become real"

In this life,if you lose the one you love then your life his meaningless,After we left Nancheng I told Wang Hao to check her background and I found out she has a little sister and grandparents so I decided to help her "he said in coldly "

When did you start feeling sympathetic towards ladies huh "he teased him and Rouchen glared at him "

None of your business

But I still wa...

Don't you have to leave for a business trip in the evening,now get lost "Rouchen said and stood up"

Ah yuan,I will be back in two days so behave will and don't worry you won't be alone someone will keep you and sister in law company once I am gone "Fu hong said and ran away while Rouchen frown when he heard Fu hong words then he received a phone call"

Ok,I will be there "he said with an evil smirk on his handsome face "

Meanwhile After Qinyang left Rouchen mansion,she decided meet her friend Shen Wan ,her relationship with her is twelve years old when she is sad ,she will always crying in Shen Wan arms because Shen Wan is thirty years old and also a divorce who is currently looking for a man to settle down with but all the men are just after her beauty and she was looking for someone to love and care for her but she didn't see any man like that she call all useless men scumbag including her ex husband, Qinyang got to her friends apartment and ring the doorbell but no one responded she sighed and put her hand on the door and realize it was open she quickly went inside and saw the living room was full of dirt and alcohol bottle she quickly ran up to her friends bed room and saw her lying on the bed then she sighed in relief and went to lay down beside her "

Wanwan,are you alright ,"Qinyang asked while look at the ceiling "

Waaaaaaahhhhhhhh,waaah ,yangyang,I miss…. you a lot ,"wanwan said wailing and hugged her friend "

Ok tell me what is wrong "qinyang asked "

I was fired today and it was Ma Chengjun and his wife who frame me,waaah,hic,sob,waah "she continue crying then qinyang went to take a teddy bear chengjun bought for Wanwan "

Wanwan ,who bought this for you.

Ma chengjun ,

Now start hitting him teach him a lesson for humiliating you

Ok ,"she took the teddy bear and started hitting it"pervert,scumbag,I hate you "after tearing the teddy bear apart the friends started laughing then after some time Wanwan look at qinyang "

Yangyang are you alright,do you want to tell me something "she looked at her swollen eyes "

I mustn't tell Wanwan she is already stressed out I can't hard to her worries "qinyang thought and smiled " I am fine ,I am worried about Ai treatment

Qinyang,I promise Ai will be fine ,I promise to help you pay for bills but now I lost my job "she said sadly "but don't worry I will search for a job soon "she said with determination"

Ok thank you,now go and clean up and I will help you cook instant noodles to eat "qinyang walked towards the door and glanced at her friend before going out of her room"

I am sorry Wanwan I know I shouldn't hide from you but I have to fight Li Rouchen myself as he is very dangerous,"she looked at the card and sighed and dialed his number "

Li Rouchen,I am willing to be your girlfriend for three months but first treat my sister ,so let's meet at the hospital in two hours time"she hanged up " I will be a stranger contract girlfriend.

I always think this always happen in drama but it's happening to me now "she wailed silently as she walked to the kitchen" oh Zhou qinyang what will happen to you now ...…