You are mine for three months

After Qinyang left Wanwan she immediately went to the hospital after sometime she entered her sister ward and sat beside her ,she held her hand and smiled

Ai,I will make sure you have the best treatment,ok "she said and Li Rouchen entered with the doctor and two nurses who carried Xiang Ai on a wheelchair and qinyang looked at Rouchen who is speaking to the doctor,she quickly went outside to see where the nurse was taking her sister when Rouchen blocked her way.

Li Rouchen,where are you taking my sister.

Rest assured she is going to a safe place "he said and gave her the contract "

But I want to know where you are taking her "she was worried that he might hurt her sister,After all she didn't know why he want a simple poor girl like her to be his girlfriend when they are many ladies out there who want to marry him"

If you want to know then sign the contract .

You .... "She collected the paper and quickly went to a nurse to give her a pen then sign it without reading and gave the contract to Rouchen " I have signed it now tell me where she is.

You didn't read before signing "he said coldly "

Li Rouchen ,I am just a poor village girl,what wealth can I give you, "she said weakly "

Come with me, "he said and qinyang started walking beside him while everyone whispered "

Look at them,they are such a compatible couple

Yes ,that man is so handsome,ohhh mmmyyyy gossshhhh,I love him so much

The lady beside him is so cute and beautiful,I love them "Li Rouchen and qinyang heard what they were saying but qinyang wasn't thinking much on what they were saying she was confused as to how her life changed in a blink of an eye while Rouchen was still wearing his cold expression, After they entered the car Rouchen gave her the contract and she started reading it and after some seconds her eyes widened in shock and anger "

What is this ? "She asked him " why can't I get into another relationship ,I mean our relationship is fake "she said and Rouchen held her hand tightly as if he wanted crush her hand into pieces

Zhou Qinyang, let me tell you ,Our three months relationship is fake but a relationship is a relationship and what I hate most is betrayal and you are mine for three month"Qinyang was in a lot of pain,tears started rolling down her beautiful face not because of her hand but her fate how can her life change so drastically and her fate got entangled with a ruthless person like Li Rouchen ,but she can't give up for her younger sister and grandparents,she quickly wipe away her tears and pushed Rouchen with her other hand,Li Rouchen was puzzled when he saw the tears in her eyes and he was about to release her when she wipe her tears and pushed him away and now she was smiling ,After all I am his for three months "she thought "

Mr.Li ,don't worry I am not in any relationship "she said calmly as if she was trying to coax him"

Wang Hao ,let's go "he said and the car turned to another direction "

Where are we going "she asked curiously "

Don't you want to see your sister "he said coldly "

Why is he always so cold,he doesn't even smile,how can anyone approach him "she thought

After awhile the car stopped and Qinyang went out without waiting for Rouchen,she looked at the building and it doesn't look like a hospital or any medical care center,this is a mansion,he brought my sister to a mansion instead of taking her to the hospital "she thought and push the door when someone pulled her by her clothes and she looked up and saw Rouchen handsome face .

Be patient,this isn't your apartment "he said and pulled her inside by her clothes while she struggled from his grip "

Li Rouchen ,let me go ,let me go ,how dare you hold a lady like this "she continue yelling until Rouchen pushed her into the elevator and he pinned her to the wall and his lips was near her ear and he whispered into ear "

You should behave yourself here and I am your boyfriend so I can pull you as much as I want "he said in a dominating and cold voice making her

Shiver in fear "

I....I...s... "she didn't know what to say,she didn't s scared of him he might be handsome but his heart is ruthless,she want to kick him away but she dare not her sister is still with him then she pushed him slightly and show one of her cutest smile" Sorry,boyfriend "she said while blinking her big eyes "

Li Rouchen didn't know why he want to kiss her lips but he quickly went near her ear and whispered but her scent was familiar to him ,he wanted to move away but he couldn't eventually she pushed him away and he saw her smile again,is she trying to seduce me "he thought and he quickly push her away and the elevator opened and he walked out while she ran after him "

Why are you walking so fast "she said angrily ,After a few steps Rouchen stopped and qinyang hit her head at his back "

Ouch,why did you stop again "she said while rubbing her head"

Why are you following by footsteps, "he said coldly "your sister is inside "he said pointing towards the door and qinyang held her words back and she quickly went inside and close the door, Rouchen took out his phone then a man speak from the back "

You are here "he said with a big smile on his face ,his smile was cool and seductive,his handsome face is cool and calm,he walked towards his childhood friend and was about to hug him but he moved away and he chuckled and frown "

Are you just coming from the hospital "he asked feelings irritated by his body odour"

Yes how do you know "he asked with his wide eyes"

Huo yutong ,you are smelling of blood,So go wash and sanitize your body and come to your study room we need to talk "he said in a cold voice and walked away while Yutong chuckled softly and went to his room"